Sample Applications


FloorIsLava demonstrates ARKit's horizontal plane detection feature by finding horizontal planes and applying a lava-like texture.


ARuler uses ARKit's feature points detection. After detecting a horizontal plane, ARKit analyzes the surface and begins tracking distinct locations (feature points). It then uses these locations to continue tracking the current plane.

Under the right conditions, ARuler can accurately measure distance within a few centimeters.


Boxify uses ARKit's SpriteKit integration to add virtual 3D boxes into the ARKit scene.

These virtual boxes are managed by SpriteKit's physics engine: boxes obey gravity and collision detection lets the boxes interact with each other in a realistic fashion.


ARPaint features ARKit's object tracking capabilities. By specifying a point on the screen to track, ARPaint allows the user to paint in thin air by tracking the user's hand, a pen, or any object specified.


ARKit-CoreLocation "Combines the high accuracy of AR with the scale of GPS data."

By integrating data from the device's CoreLocation sensors, ARKit-CoreLocation allows the device to place items in the "AR world" using real-world coordinates and improve location accuracy.

It should be noted that this particular project is in very early development, however it demonstrates a unique capability of ARKit paired with other APIs.


CoreML-in-ARKit uses a machine learning model to detect objects through the device's camera and uses object tracking to display 3D labels on top of the recognized objects.

This project is another example of ARKit's extensibility and